and I've been spending more days than I can admit testing skyblocks for MCPE. Sorry for being so long but this map deserves a proper review. It makes so much sense since we're already deviating quite a bit from the original Skyblock format. I agree with a previous suggestion about making an in-game book with the challenges. Gameplay involves players interacting with the game world by placing and breaking various types of blocks in a three-dimensional environment. Also, for those concerned about it, all the borders are far enough that mobs are only spawning in the island (unless you decide to grow a hundred blocks in only one direction. Minecraft is a sandbox construction video game developed by Mojang Studios, with 2 editions, Java and Bedrock. These missing chunks aren't a problem since you're supposed to stay in the islands and if you reduce your render distance a tiny bit, they're gone. The borders of the mainland in the nether are much farther away although with, also, some weird random chunks missing. The only problem I have with this is that there are whole random chunks of land missing on the border and it looks awkwardly weird. The overworld mainland is flat and you can see it from the island if you use your render distance on the max. The spawning algorithm sucks in Android (and probably all bedrock releases) so you need to be patient and build a big enough platform for them.

In my Android it spawned skeletons, spiders, zombies, creepers, chickens, sheep, pigs and cows. The botched villagers in the nether won't let you build the End Portal but that's just the last two challenges. I'm still not used to the shape of its islands but, hey, at least you can recognize this map easily. After getting extremely frustrated with the tiny idiosyncrasies of the other "Skyblock" maps in this site, this is my recommendation.